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Development Services

Garden Villa Tract

GARDEN VILLA TRACT.tif GARDEN VILLA TRACT at, I I If..()0-' IS'l-113'1 Lot 7- Permit to Wm. F. Lathan, Owner, Fred Covert, Lessee, to use W 200' of parcel for storage of used auto & parts w/no dismantling or sales on prem; 318- 19th St, Imperial Beach, 2000' No of Palm Ave, Zone Al-1; Condl. Case No. 4453 l.O-l.3-6J. 2 yr ext to exp 11.-1.-65 2 yr ext to exp ll-1-67 (u-1-65) (9-1.8-63) Lot 8- Permit to Robert Egger, Sr., Owner, to constr & operate an oil well located west of 19th St in So San Diego; Zone A-1-1. C.U.P. 5105 8-31-62______ g2u!!!~!2~-~-~~~g~g_:_!!:!7:g_____________________________________________________ /0