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Gardena Home Tract Card 1

GARDENA HOME TRACT CARD 1.tif + vARD?;Na HQi'\ls '1RACT, COIZ.efr-lJl>.S. 22.2.-/?0? CARD #1. P'Lots 9 and lO, 311d the Easterly of hcrena Acre Lot 130, ccnd'l permit gran.ed to Gero and Helen Farkas and Joseph A. Farkas to constrct and o,eraLe a poultry slaughtering house in connection wi.h non-conforming poultry ranch at 4934 Gardena Ave. Rea I;o. 2141 7-2 47 Lots 17 and 18- Fermit grar~ed to Earold E ~uinn to divide said lots into 4 ,reels, Sly side of k1rdena Avenue. approximately 400 1 East of Knoxville St. ~ ' Lots 4 and 5- Fermi t granted to Harold l::. ~uinr, to divide Sc