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Development Services

Garland's Addn. Block 301

GARLAND'S ADDN. BLOCK 301.tif...,... s;...... 4a..,1"""".:,~... m""'-1 $,._,;1,@u.Ou.J... m.._, T...._.CN..__...Llb.1.Ir... O... C.Ll.K......11P=J 000 I Sl-oo~ S':/ly 75 1 of Lots 3 & 4- DEl;IB D permit to Nora :,igstrom to operate 3. furniture re,;air sbap in fTa~e, 28tJ8 Birch st. i,es J.o. 988 6-2;,;-45 Lots 43-44- Cond'l permit to,1. '1'heodore Anderson to operate rer,air(furnicure) shop,,t 381'3 Acad a 'Jt. No. 1097 8 28-45 Loi:.s 43-44- DENIED permit to R E TJ-:omas to con;;;t g,sr O I sideyard, apr.rox 50 1 i'rom front prop Jioe, i8?2 Acacia. ct-es Ilo 4so6 'j-8-50 Lot 27 & 28- ZA CONSIDERED REQUEST of AUDELIO & EDELMIRA GARCIA to move a one-story, single- family dwelling onto a lot with an existing one-story, single-family dwelling when such action is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only; proposed property development to (I) provide a 4' high trash enclosure located in an interior side yard where a 51 to 6 1 high enclosure is required; (2) to provide no facade articulation on the north side of the move-on building where one is required; (3) to provide dissimilar roof lines (move-on building with a flat roof, existing residence with a peaked, asphalt shingled roof) where roof design and composition of roofing materials shall be compatible; (4) to provide insuffii cient landscaping where a minimum of 60% of both the total street yard and the remaining yards shall be landscaped; (5) to provide no irrigation system where an underground irriga- tion system is required at 3883 Acacia St., Zone R-3000; and has DENIED Item l, 2, and 4, and APPROVED Item 3 and 5, subj. to conds. C-19260 7/18/86---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------- I