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Development Services

Gay Subdivision

GAY SUBDIVISION.tif GAY SUBDIVISICN 2.1 c./-173$" Lot 1- The Z. A. considered the application of Dr. & Mrs. lfoble A. Gay to const a commercial bldg on a par resulting in 1 to 2.j bldg-to-parking landscape strip adj to 40th St. on north end of par & to erect 27~ high neon light, partially flashing sign obs 5' SB from 40th St. (10' req) & proj 5' over req 10 1 landscape strip adj to 40th St., at the NE cor 40th St. & Meade Ave.; Zone C-lAand has DENIED the 1 to 2.J bldg-to-parking area ratio, but APP.tiO'IED a 1 to 2.57 ratio; DENIED the req to eliminate 20 1 of the req 10 1 wide landscaping strip adj to 40th St. on the N end of the par; DENIED the right to have any flashing por on the sign; AFPROilED sign obs a 2 1 SB from 40th St. & proj 8 1 over the req 101 landscaping strip adj to 40th St., condl. Cases No. 6996 & 6997,;/16/65)'f