Genesee Gardens Addn Card 2
GENESEE GARDENS ADDN CARD 2.tif: GENESU G\RDEN "l. ADDITION CARD If 2 Lot 2- T\BlED 8-13-68 Permit to S R Lundgren to erect 1 approx 93 sq ft double-faced, interior lighted, 30' high ground sign in addn to 60 sq ft sign, at 7802 Starling Dr, Zone RC-lA. Case No. 8794 ABOVE CA.SE- DENIED Ad PER REQUEST but APPROVED ~nder certain conditi ns. Case No. 8794 Lot l- Asst. Z.A considered appl for permission to erect (1) l free-standing 8 1 2" x 11'3", double-faced, interior illuminated, ID sign, overall tleignt-28 12 11, post to observe 41 setback where 15' is established and to encroach 6 1 into req 10' planting strip,;and edge of sign to observe O' setback and encroach 10' into 10' planting strip on Kearny Villa Road, wnere sign must be attached to building;(2) four 7' x 6 1 double-faced, interior illuminated panels on single pole, over-all neignt- 60 1, advert ENCO, wnere sign must be attacned to bldg. and not exceed 25'x 5' max dimensions (3) four area lights observing setbacks ranging from O' to 4 1 where 15' is established; (4) two 31 x 4' x 51 nigh price signs observing l' setback wb.ere 15' is established; (5) two canopies, one to observe 1 1 setback on Kearny Villa Rd, and one to observe 13 16" setback on Starling Dr wnere 15' is establisn~d; at 7726 Starling D:t bet Kearny Villa Rd and Meadow Lark Dr, Zone RC-lA- (1) APPROVED size & neignt of sign, but base to observe 1.0' setback and edge of sign to encroach 5' into planter strip(2) DENIED (3) APPROVED with understanding anything within tne rignt-of-way tb.e City nas no ' S],;,, autb.ori ty to approv'-l (4) DENIEDas req, but APPROVED if 16' setback. (5) APRROVED ~ ~~~ ~ (Continued on Card #3