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Development Services

Genesee Gardens Addn Card 3

GENESEE GARDENS ADDN CARD 3.tif QbESEE GARDENS ADDITION CARD #3 l l (continued from Card #2)- Lot 1- (5) APPROVED with understanding that the l' SBfor the pump;island canopy on Kearny Villa Road does not relieve you from installing the full 10' of landscaping req in this area. Cond'l. L-764 Amended 5-14-n C-10183 12-15-70 Parcel A & Por P.L. 1199- Conditional Use Permit to State of California, Owner and Texaco Inc., Permittee, to canst & aper serv sta with accessory uses, located on south side Genessee Ave, betw Stat Hwy 163 & Cardinal Rd. 3 44- PC 5-24- 72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,-- Por. Lot A, Map 5518, R-1-5 Zone- Permit to J.B. INVESTORS to construct and operaWan office development on a 0.36 acre site, located on the NW corner of Health Center Dr. & Genesee Ave. (proposed CN Zone) APPROVED PCD 82-0392 2/15/83