Genesee Gardens Card 1
GENESEE GARDENS CARD 1.tif GENESEE: GARDENS CARD #l Lots 25 & 26- Permit to Dalgo Development Corp. to const cabana on Lot 26 & swimming pool on Lot 25, Genesee Gardens; to be used for recreational purposes in conjunction with apt house complex composed of Lots 1 thru 82, Genesee Gardens; entire complex under one owner- ship with no single family res within 300 1 of Lots 25 & 26 of Genesee Gardens where multiple unit dwellings are perm, at SE corner of Nightingale ':Jay & headow Lark Dr., Zone R-4, condl. Case No, 6418 4-3-64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Lot 95, all of Lots 96 & 97-G.D. Sickels & John D. Robuck to const. & opr. 303-bed nursingr convalescent, rehab. center on SW cor., inters. Vista Hills Ave. & Meadow Lark Dr. Also includes por. Lot l, Door of.Hope, R-1-5 zone. Case No. 6509~ 6-22-64 ABOVE CASE NO. 6509 AMENDED- Condition 4 12-2-64-------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 95, all of Lots 96 & 97- Above Case No. 6509 amended to permit a pharmacy as an incidental u:,e to tbe convalescent center in the Mount Vernon Convalescenter Center, located on the SWly cor of the intersec, of Vista Hills Ave. & Meadowlark Dr., Zone R-1-5.- cond 7 be added to read: "There shall be no exterior signs advertising the pharmacy." Case No. 6509.A.... 1/13/66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 76-88- Permit to Pacifico Homes to constr & operate a 168 bed long-term facility & convalescent hospital, located on the west sideof Meadow Lark Dr betw Genesee Ave. & Nightingale Way, Zones R-4 & RP-lA 260-PC 7-28-70