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Development Services

Genesee Highland # 1

GENESEE HIGHLAND # 1.tif GENESEE lllGll'.I..AND #1 l~. Lot 20- z.A. considered the request of Sports Arena, Inc. (A.R. Wylie, Agent) to maintain a 6 1 x 10', sin face nonilluminated sign, overall height 15' advertising Genesee Highland unit 2, at 4230 Decoro st. betw Genesee Ave. and Cargill Ave., Zone R-2A and has DENIED as requested but APPROVED for six months subject to conditions. ('1:~tzi..~&~;-~-~-L__________:::~~---------------------::::::~~-------- Lot 11- Permit to eENASQUITOS, INC., owner- A. R. WYLIE SIGN CO. lessee, to (I) erect & main for a period of one year, a sgleMfaced, 3' x 5' x 9' hi non-ilium direc subdiv sign advert "Genesee Highlands" & marketed under the name 11Playmor11, located on Carg 11 Ave. appro 600' to the so; (2) sign to obs 0 1 SB on Decaro St and on Cargll 1 Ave. where 15' is req on Decaro St & 10 1 is req for side yd on Cargll Ave.,, 0 at the northeast corn of Cargill Ave. ~~ex._;~0 ~12 7?co~~L.. ~- 7 V-----------C-13' 602_______________ s-17-76-----------