Genesee Plaza Map 6670 Card 2
GENESEE PLAZA MAP 6670 CARD 2.tif GENESEE PLAZA, MAP #6670 CARD #2 r;-(Parcel A), Parcels 1 through 3 exclusive of P. M. 11016, and (Parcel B), Lots 3 of Genesee Plaza- Permit was considered by ZA to T. G, F. COMPANY, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP composed of FEDMART PROPERTIES, INC,, and FEDMART STORES, INC., owner; DAYTON-HUDSON CORPORATION, Its Target Stores Division, lessee, to remodel and construct addition to existing retail store building on Parcel 1, and: (1) alter existing ground sign located on Parcel 3 by replacing existing 200 sq. ft. identificatio~ panel with new 14 1 X 14 1, 196 sq. ft. identification panel: (a) resulting in total ground sign area on Parcel 3 of 386 sq, ft, where maximum 37 sq. ft, is permitted; (b) existing and new sign height is 65 1 where maximum 20 1 height is permitted; (c) sign to advertise use on Parcel I where sign must advertise use on same premise, (2) erect two 6 1 X 6 1, 36 sq. ft,, 7' high identification signs on Parcel I: (a) resulting in a total sign area of 72 sq. ft. where maximum 37 sq. ft, is permitted; (b) signs to observe 0 1 front yard on Balboa Avenue where 10 1 is required; (c) signs to encrbach IO I into required 1 ands cape, (3) erect 313 sq. ft. of wall signs on building on Parcel 1 where maximum 25 sq. ft. is permitted, located at 5454 Balboa Avenue, Zone CA-S. C-17824 11-19-82 DECISION: (I) DEN I ED; (2) APPROVED; (3) APPROVED, subject to'. conditions. BZA- APPEAL DENIED AS REQUESTED, AND. DECISION OF THE ZA MODIFIED as follows: To al low one of three options: (a) two 61 X 6 1, 36 sq. ft, 71 high ground signs; (b) one 30 1 high, 150 sq. ft. ground sign, or (c) refacing existing nonconforming 65 1 high ground sign, and maintain said ground sign until March, 1983, in compliance with the on-premise sign ordinance. subject to conditions. 1-24-83