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Development Services

Genesse Commercial Center Card 1

GENESSE COMMERCIAL CENTER CARD 1.tif 5111-- ~ ~ CARD#l Lot 2- Permit OEnED to S.D.C., Inc. to conat c011111erical shopping center obs all yd req but resulting in a parking ratio of 2.68:l, where a parking ratio of 3:1 to ground tlr bldg area is req, in the 4000 blk of Governor Dr., betw Genesee Ave. & Agee St., Zone C-U. Case.No. 8569 3-18-68---------------------------------------.,-------------------------ABOVE C-8569 Appealed to Board of Zoning \ppeals & denied 5-17-68 Apiealed to C.C. and approved with conditions by Resolution No 193969 Jun 13 168 Lot 3- Permit DENIED to Penasquitos, Inc. to constr 140 unit, 2 and 3 story apt complex resulting in parking to building ratio of 1.5:1 where 3:1 is req at Genesee Ave. betw Governor Dr. & Soledad Freeway, Zone C-lA. APPEALED- BZA- DENIED c-9665 c-9665 1-19-70 2-20-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3 'por- Perait to PeuaquitOII, Inc., Oner, aDd;u Prflcbool oeaten, i> 1v of.Jell&vimal Beaearcb Lab. Inc. to ctevl prop tor preaeaool ~r 200 tudeot wbere ctlll!Mrct6lrue:;~ 1a pera at Agee st l)et.w Raya V aaa OOvemor Dr. Zone CA. ec.l'l. ~- r-,s-- 7.r c-10515 ~-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------