Genesse Vista Map 6311 Card 1
GENESSE VISTA MAP 6311 CARD 1.tif ~ GENESEE VISTA, Map 6311 Por Lot 2- Permit to La Jolla Vista Limited, own to constr & operate a Planned Residential Dev. located on the north sideof Genesee Ave at tbe intersection of Regents Rd. & Genesee Ave , Zone R-3. PRD #8 10-8-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2- Por- Permit to La Jolla Vista Limited to conetr and operate a PRD located on tbe 1'1:y side of Genesee Ave.', nortll of Baetgate Mall. PRD-22 6-18-n Lot 6- Permit to Saramark Developers to (1) erect for a period of 1 yr, a free-standing double fac84> unlignted on-site ID sign for exist units in subdiv;; sign to be 14', face area to be 8 1 x 6' (256 sq. ft.) (2) use one apt for sales office and two apts for models where such uses are perm for a period not to exceed two years after subdiv map has been recorded and wnere total face area of sign may not exceed 160 sq. ft. (3) sign to obs 2' SB and face of sign to obs O' SB wnere 15' nas been estab on Eastgate Mall, at 4430 Eastgate Mall, NW c~r at intersect with Baster Way. Zone R-3 ..i.9-~J.1?..:Ld.~.7..-~~~~:2U~(t:LJ:J..-3':_~:~~:g-~:~:____________:~====~-------- /i