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Development Services

Genesse Vista Map 6311 Card 2

GENESSE VISTA MAP 6311 CARD 2.tif j1 CARD/lg lot 4- The Asst. Z.A. has considered the req of The Saramark Developers for perm- (1) to erect for a period ot two yrs, one free-standing, double-faced, unlighted, direct. sign advert develop in same subd approx 560 1 east of prop sign, sign to be 12 1 overall height, each face area to be 41 x 81 (32 sq. ft. total sign area) and (2) sign to obs 51 setback on both sts, where 15 1 has beenestab; at 4302 Eastgate Mall, the northeast cor of its intersection with Genesee Aves, Zone R-3 and has (1) DENIED as presented but GRANTED a 16 sq. ft. double-faced sign, 12' overall height;-~=~-~~=~~-~~~~~~~-~-~~-~:~~:I~_tI:~:I~2_(!/-:_~~=11~~~~1______ ~::::::_________ Lot 5- The z.A. nas consiM!red the r!quest of ta Jolla Mesa Estates: Remmco Associates to erect and maintain for a period of one year- one 81 x 16 1 x 14' double-faced, on-site ID sign obs 0' SB on Eastgate Mall and Easter Way wnere 15' is estab and where sucn use sha] terminate two years after filing of the subdiv map and where tne nt cannot exceed 12'. 4432 Eastgate Mall betw Easter Way and Miramar Rd, Zone R-3 and nae DENIED as req but APPROVED an 8 1 x 16 1 sign witn overall nt not to exceed 16 1,to obs 0' SB on Eastgate Mall ~~t~-~~-~~5~fi;?~=~i3~~~l~-~~1~z~I.:~=E~-~~2:::~~~-~:~:_______ ~:~::=___________ Lot 4- to Title Insurance & Trust co. (A,R. Wylie, Agent) to erect and-maintain for a period of one year a 4 1 x 41 double-faced, freestanding non-illuminated sign, overall ht 12', advertising "La Jolla Mesa Estates" located 1000' to the east on Eastgate Mall; sign to obs 0 1 SB from both streets where 15' is established, on the NW cor of Genesee Ave. and Eastgate Hall, Zone R-3, Cond 'l. c-129o6 12-5-74----------------,~------------------------------------------------------------------------,//