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Development Services

Glen Oak Heights # 4

GLEN OAK HEIGHTS # 4.tif GLEN G~JC:, hEIGhTS NO. 4 Lot 182, Robert L. & nuth L. Petry to erect 6 1 redwood fence obs 3 1 SB & const swimming pool obs 4 1 SB (10 1 to 15 1 establish SB re:.) 275-5 '.!yandotte Ave., R-1 DENIED & given 30 days to fill up exist dxcavation 1or swim pool. Case 14459 10/20/61---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 172- Permit to Elaerick a. Helene Woetzinger to cooatr a 16 1 x l4' tam rm addn to exist a in tam dwell; acldn to obe at cloaet point a 16' rear yd wnere 20' ie req at 2832 W;yandott. Ave betw Tonto Way and Bavasupai Ave, Zoae R-l-5. C-11159 R.H. 4-3-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------