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Development Services

Glicher Tract Card 1

GLICHER TRACT CARD 1.tif GILCHER TRACT Card fjl \Lot 39- Permit to h. H. Beck to,operate an Auto P~rking lot, 4588 College ~ay in conjw-iction with proposed market on Lots 37 & 38 Res. No. 1490 4/25/46 Lot 38- Permit,.;onditional to Dr. O. S. Harbaugh to erect a neon eipr& pole with 4 1 setback, b069 El Cajon Blvd. Res. No. 3156 5/19/48--------------------------------------- 5' of Lot;39- Cond. permit to Dr. 0. s. Harbaugh ta~bu:i;ld.. bua . bldg. 4588,:CoJilegm::.Ave., loading.. plat'form & enclosed crate storage. Res. Ko.;,873 5/4/49 v Lot 32- Condl r,ermit to Dr. G. ~. Harbaugh and 1st Natl Tr & Sav Bk to build & operate auto parking lot, 6069 El Cajon. hes. No. 4586 4/5/50 Lot 72, Permit to:t--:rs. L. A.!-eek to move frame garage from 4060- 50th St. to 6091 Peck Place. HM Res 781 o/22/50 Lot 39- Permit to Dr. 0. S. Harbaugh to erect 14' x 55' add for storage of mdse for exist market b.iilQing, 4588 College. Res. No. 4876 8/9/50---------------~------------------------ Port. Lot 39, adj. to Lots 36, > 7, 38,- Amends Res. 3873 abuve- to Dr. 0.:.,. Harbaugh 12/21/50 Res. No. 5197 Lot 32- A;-aends Res. 4586 above- to Dr. 0. S. Harbaugh Res. Ko. 5198 12/21/50