Glicher Tract Card 2
GLICHER TRACT CARD 2.tif GILCl:fi:'.:R TRACT Card #2 Por Lot 72 lying S of Pe,.:k Pl & N 10' Lot 71- Permit DENIED to Nanie Peck to erect bus bldg with 2 store rms, one to be occupied by oedical doc, 01.,her by cleaning and pre:osing pickup store, SE cor College Ave. & Peck.. Pl., .lvo. 5944 10/17/51 For of Lot o5 & 66- Fennit DEJ\IED to Clinton P. & Stachia-, rl.ichards to erect 4-unit apt with 10' SB on College;fay. 4566 College Way. Res. l\o, 5975 10/31/51 For. of LoL b5 (e1tc Sly 10 1 & por of 60 lying i.-ly of College Ave- Permit to Clinwn P. & Stachia v, diclL.rd to cons t multiple dwell bldg with 3' SE on College Ave. (concil) Cor College Ave, & College Way Res. ~;o. 6064 1:c_/12/51-/Clillton P. & Stacnia ... icrards (:;ii0JE), Res. 6064, CC sustained LC decision, cc 104911 1/2/52 Lots 46,~: 47 (exc E 102.;; 1- to Ar1.,ie F. a.lid 'i,'hite to erect 3 x 18 1 addn to exist gar., addn to have 6n sideyci, o0J7 Carol St,.ites. l,o. oJd5 4/16/52 Por Lots '"5 & 66, Permit to E~len J. Pinkerton, owner, Y Gregory G. & Doris:; Honek, purch. to con;:;truct medical-dental off bldg with 3-foo1, setback on eollege Ave. (average 12 ft 611) and observed aver SB of 20 ft. on College .:ay, on cond: that landscaping be installed, Case No... 425 4/30/56 Por Lot 72, Permit to Hoger D. & Bar'aara fuller to pave & use por lying N. of Feck Pl for parking in connection with dental off, accross Peck Pl; approx 100 1~ of College Ave. Zone R-4, provided parking spd.ces be marked. Case f.2273 1/30/59