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Development Services

Golden Hill Add Block 4 Card 2

GOLDEN HILL ADD BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif ,, I 1... ', 4.T- ' t I - I "' < GOLDEN HILL ADDITION CARD #2 fr/ < Let F- permit DENIED to Mr. Durell WilliiUDS, owner u Arnold Margulis, lesseeto censtr commercial bldg en premises per plans on file, & maiatain & perate a ~dry therein with a ma.x ef 15 empleyees where lauadry with max f 10 emplyees is pennitted; that is, a ma.x ef 15 empleyees per shift where 10 is permitted & a Dll max ef 25 empleyee ctn cctmbined 1st f; 2ad shifts at NWCer 25th St. & Breadway, Zeae C. C-7275 8/6/65 C:itF.:--;;;;ltt;-cT.;;;T;c~-Owner, Kentucky-Fri~ Chhlen, Lessee, Zone C, to erect 21 sq. ft. roof sign on lot with exist ground sign. C-16205 at 2496 Broadway, Condit. 7/30/79---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------