Golden Park Block 1 Card 2
GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 1 CARD 2 wz.A LOT 3- PERMIT APPROVEDjw/conditions to JACK AND PAT BORCHERS to- (1) con- struct a 669 square foot guest quarters addition with exterior access, but no interior access, on the lower level of a proposed two-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling where such use is permitted by Conditional] Use Permit only; and (2) construct a 669 square foot guest quarters addition with exterior and interior access, on the upper level of a proposed two-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, Map 958, located at 3345 Lucinda Street, R-1500 zone, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone. C-20677 11-16-90