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Development Services

Golden Park Block 4 Card 1

GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif OOLDEI PARK BLOCK 4_oC\SJr~ Lots 12 &: 13- ConcHtloiiai to Mrs. J. A. Snutea to convert existing auxiliary bldg. into living quarters and add bath with 11' rear y-ard. SEE AGREE.#2o6 Res. 186 10 1 42 y Lot 2- Permit to John 3352 Lucinda St. Reis. ' rear;Jard Lot & 5 L6t 13- Condl to Mrs. Jenevie ~ Shu es, ovher ~ Paul R Marion.., pur, to.d.iv.. & erect sing fam. res, 1st property;\(o:t 3333 Harbor View Dr.. Res 596 4 19 50 , S Lots 9 & 1- Perl!I t to R. W. Jefferis.. to red iv lots into par, ea ' x 10, & erect single fa,m res lbn one par, with exist sing unit on other/G6lden Park Ave bet Harbor View & Lucinda. Res 755 9 5 52 Sly 75' of Lots 7 &- Permit to John L. & Mary ldman to const 20' x 21' gar addn to exist ~payrm. having 1' rear yd, no plumbing to \e installed in either bldg., on BW cor Lucinda & Golden Park Ave. R-1. Res. 46 5 25 55 51~ot 9 and 10- Z.A. cons. req. of Velma Ruth Harvey to constr, a single fam. dwell & garage obs. O' front yard where 15' is req. on 800 block Golden Park Ave. bet. Lucinda St. & Harbor View Dr., Zone R-1-5 and has APPROVED req. for O' front yd. for the garage; DENIED req. for stairway encroaching into the 15' front yd, c-10556 6-23-71 Por Lot 13- Permit to Harold G. & Georgia Dover to constr a sin fem dwell with bar sink in 2nd floor sitting room at 3339 Harbor View Drive. Zone R-1-5, AGREE 1/2022 12-6-74-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------