Golden Park Block 4 Card 2
GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif > A,... GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 4 CARD #e,_ Lot 1 Permit was DENIED by AZA to ALLAN AND KAREN SUNDSTROM to maintain 24 1 of 6 1 high wood fence observing a 0 1 front yard on Lucinda Street where a maximum 3 1 high fence is permitted in the required 15 1 front yard, located at 3362 Lucinda Street, Zone R-1-5. C-18185 9-30-83 Lots 9 & 10- ZA DENIED as requested the variance sought by Dwayne & Constance Phillips but APPROVED with conditions Items No, 7, 8, 9, & 10 to remodel a single-family home (7) to maintain and resurface the existing 64 1 of 7'4" to 91 11" high, retaining wall in the public right of way along Golden Park Ave. and replace the 21 6" wrought iron rail atop the retaining wall with a 2'6" combination stucco and plexiglass wall without a horizontal separation where a 9'0" wall is permitted in the front yard if a horizontal separation and plane offsets are provided; (8) to maintain and resurface the existing 66' of 2'6" to 51 9" high, retaining wall; (9) to maintain the existing 6 1 6" wrought iron gate in the right-of- way at the corner; and (10) to construct new entry stairs, fountain, and 4'0" stucco wall in the front yard where structures over 3'0" in height shall observe a 15 1 0" front yard, also a Conditional Use Permit for the guest house per project plans, located at 3311 Harbor View Dr,, Rl-5000 zone, C-20273 5-5-:-89 Lots 9 & 10- ZA DENIED amendment by Dwayne & Constanc.e Phillips to maintain and complete construction of an existing, partially constructed, second-story balcony addition to an existing three-story, single-family dwelling; said balcony observing a 8'-8" fy where 15' is required (existing house observes a 13 1-8 11 fy); BZA PARTIALLY APPROVED the request to complete balcony observing a 101-0" fy with conditions; located at 3311 Harbor View Dr,, Rl-5000 zone, Coastal Zone Prop "D" Ht Limitation C-20273 ZA 12/8/89 BZA 2/7/90