Golden Park Block 5 Card 2
GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 5 CARD 2.tif COLDER PARK BLOCK 5 Lots L &: 2 (exc Sly 142') Permit to' Sim Bruce Richards & janet H. to' const res &: gar witn 9' SB tor gar at nearest point,&: witn 5' SB for res., 7' req., Ely side Bangor betw Martinez & Harbor View Dr., R-1. Case #812 10/26/56 Lots 10 & 11, ese S 150 tt, & E 15 tt. Eat 9 exe S 150 ft.- Permit to Francis w. &: Dorethea Zirauen to maintain new sin fam res & construct gar. on lot split prior 12/5/54, garage to observe 2 ft. SB partially in enbankm.ent, 25' req. at 928 Martintz St. R-1 Zone. Case 651 & Case 652 7 17 59 Sly 'of Sly 1 2' of Lots 1 & 2- Permit iK> Robert w. & Betty Ann Bowman 0 construct liv. rm, bedrm, entry, bath & open deck iddn to side of exist sing fem res with att carport having access to dwell which obs 17' rear yd (Res. h786 & 9259), at 3360 Harbor View Dr., IE cor Harbor View Dr.;&: Bangor St., Zone R-1, condl. Case #6265 1/23/64 Portions of Lots 6 & 7- Permit GRANTED to FRANK P. O'DWYER, an individual, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a PRD located south of Martinez Street and east of Bangor Street, Zone R-1-5. PRD #20-251-0 11-19-81 Lots 6 r, 7- Planned Residential Dev. Permit Ext. of Time is granted to FRANK P. O'DWYER located between Martinez St. & Harbor View Drive westerly of Golden Park Place, in the R-1-5 zone. (20-251-0) Ext. of Time to 10/19/85 PRD #83-0750 12/12/83--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portion of Lot 6 & 7- AGREEMENT with Marin Mayer to construct a bedroom,bathroom addition within the lower level of an existing single family dwelling. Addition has exterior access thru a hallway which leads to a door from the garage and interior access through an existing stairwell which leads to a family room on first level. AGREE# 4015 6/9/88