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Development Services

Golden Park Block 6 Card 5

GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 6 CARD 5.tif GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 6 Card 5 N 111.65' of Lot 13 & E Lot 12- Permit to Dennis & Judith Conner to const sin fam dwell obs O' rear yd opposite Talbot St. frontage where 20' is req; parking deck, rising from l' to 16' above ground level, obs O' side yd & O' front yd adjacent to Martinez St. frontage; one required parking space obs 5' front yd where 15' is req in the 3200 block. Martinez St. betw Talbot St. & Harbor View Dr., Zone R-1-5, condl C-9237 5-8-69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- Permit to Dwain Kantor, Owner and Yiannis & Lynnea Venieris, Pur, to const sin family dwell with (I) obs O' frontyd on Martinez St where 15' req; (2) walking deck rang in ht from 3'6"to 7'6" where max 3' hi structures are perm; (3) structure result in app~ax 54.3% cov where 40% perm, approx.74 floor area ratio where.6 perm and approx 38 1 611 ht where 30' perm; (4) erect approx 70' ret wall rang in ht from O' to 6 1 611 obs at clst pt O' frontyd on Martinez St. where max 3' hi wall perm in req 15' frontyd; 3300 blk of Martinez St., Zone R-1-5, cond'J. C-13272 10-16-75 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Bay Properties, LTD; Louis Bikadi-General Partner, (I) APPROVED 0 1 front yard where 15 1 is required; (2) deck no I onger necessary; (3) over-coverage to be reduced to the extent that deck is removed; (4) DEN I ED as requested but APPROVED 33-1/2' high where maximum 30 1 is permitted; (5) APPROVED walls ranging from 3 1 to 13 1 in the front yard to support fill for driveway access, at Martinez St., zone R-1-5. Conditions. Case 16566 3-6-80