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Goodhall Sub Map 6412 Card 1

GOODHALL SUB MAP 6412 CARD 1.tif CARD # 1 GOODHALL SUBD. Map 6412 Lot 1- z.A. considered appl of gulf 011 Corp to constr a serv stat. with (1) 1 free- standing, double-faced, interior lighted, rotating, 10' diameter ID iisc sign- overall ht 30 1, sign overhang to encroach 10' into req 10' planting strip; (2) 2 area lights encroaching 8 1 into req 10' planting strip; (3) eliminate 3' por of land- scaping adj to each driveway, where 10' planting strip is req except for approved ways of ingrees & egress at the SW cor MiramarRd. & Hwy 395 C-lA zone and has DENIED the appl as req but APPROVED (1) 1 post-mounted, rotating, 78.5 sq ft., 35' hi interior lighted ID sign with the pole obs a 10' SB & the edge of the sign obs a 5' SB; (2) 2 area lightes obs a 2' SB, condl llMEAJ DE O___ /e:z-/o- 1c 9--~k- L__ 0.t16_a.,,,.,,,c:A.._,~ /O G,?592_____ 11-25-69_______ Lot 2- Permit to Gulf 011 Corp, own & Melven Genser Outdoor Inc., lessee to erect (1) one sngl faced, 14' x 48' x 30' nigh directional sign and (2) one single faced, 20' x 60 1 x 32' high directional sign on property, eliminating required 10' planting strip at southwest corner of Highway 395 and Miramar Road, Zone C-lA (Interim), condl. ~~.b-~Y..~t---~~-J~:_9_-_:71)__ ~-X(f_~)~-~--'\./JJf!.U_f--i;J}it~-~t.. to_'.:i~itflE:Y....!J o,:C. ri <.,,, /f'- 9- 73 (t-7-7l..) ~..\-.~~-.DE4-.l,) /I t, u 'f 9 ~?1 (Cf.. I-?9 If I~,,,, "f- 9 78 C 3-,3/-77) /(' 7/-,c?-"'-"7 (:>-,,~?~7f_)