Gordon Villas
GORDON VILLAS.tif GORDON VILLAS- 't1 Lot 5- Permit to J, Lawrence and E. Frances Irving to constr 2nd story fam rm addn to one- story sin fam res with bar sink in fam room; addition at 2831 Noren Pl, Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1491 7-27-67 Lot 2- Permit to William c. & Mary Agster to maintain kitchen sink and cabinets on the lower floor, which sink and cabinets together with refrig and stove are now used to fully equip a second kitchen and provide a second living unit on property at 2820 Noren Pl. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1513 11-27=67 Lot 1- TABLED- Lyle and Bette Bonn requested perm to constr a 503 sq. ft. second story addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 2'-6" rear yard and exist