Granada Tract Card 1
GRANADA TRACT CARD 1.tif Card #1 GRANADA TRACT Lot 28- Permit to San Di.ego Theatre Ccrp. by Charles A. Buckley, Vice-Pres., to erect ~ & Pr,erate theater &. parking lot, 47th St. & El Cajon Ave/ Res. #69720 8/1/39 Lot 28- Renewal of above Res. granted to San Diego Theater Corp. by G, \.,. Price. "' Res. #70393 12/5/39 Lot 13, exc. the l~ 50 ft.- Permit to A.;,,. Houston to operate lb-unit auto court, Nenlo Ave. & El Cajon Blvd, Res. 11'71184 4/16/40 Lot 22, the N. 40 ft. of 3. from rear of res with 1 ft. BO ft.,- Permit to Russell B. 1iolfe to const a gar sideyard, and 50% lot coverage. 4482- 47th ~t. 10 ft._______________:___ cie'""s_._#~71-5.._1_3___ b._/4...,,./.... 4.._0_____________,_ Lot 35- Permit to Peter Jorgensen to erect bungalow court not closer to prop line than 15 ft., 47th S at El Cajor. Blvd. de:,. l,o.?1563 6/11/40_______;;,.;_______.;...;___________.;.....:;.,..;;....._,.,...,__-:,......,_____________ Lot 35- Extension of 90 days from 9/11/46 granted on Res. #71563 above. Res. I>;o. 21 1 Lot 22, the N 41 ft.- Permit to Clyde W. ,;saver to erect a single garage, 55 ft. back from front prop. line with 1 ft. sideya.rd, 40 ft. rear yard.c~.:,0% coverage. Res. ho, 72388 10/8/40 Lot 14 and the \'est 49 ft. of Lot 27 and the S 55 ft. of the E 80 ft. of Lot 16- Cecilia Steiler DErJIED permit to opierate auto trailer camp of 9-units in connection with exist. auto coui::!-_i... 4.??_0_~,,l gaJ~n B!.Y3,... JJ..e <:i\,.. /J.7'2.. 49.1:._,., 11/.1/~J-_____....____.._____ Lot 14 and portions of Lots 16 & 27- Cecilia Hillick granted tentative to operate a 7-llnit traiJer camp at 4660 RJ Ca~ao Blvd Bes, #177 9/3/42,____ I ~~~~~~J~~Lt~~~~~fi~;;r"~~-it::t~~ffik,i-Y~-~~-~t