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Development Services

Grantville Block 12

GRANTVILLE BLOCK 12.tif GRANTVILLE BLOCK 12 0001./89 s-~-173Cf Lot 9- Permit DENlED to Dale Worm to erect & maint for a period of one yr, one tri- poled, sin-faced non-illuminated, directional sign for "AHG- BUILDS-HILL"N DALE" overall neight of sign 18 1, face of sign to be 10' x 20' (200 sq ft) at 6400 block Friars Rd. betw Mission Gorge Rd. & Riverdale St., Zone M-lA. C-9418 N.H. 7-25-69-----------------------r----------------------------------------------------------------Lots 36 & 37- Permit to John W. Joly, Jr and Blancne Joly and David Sapnir to use lots 36 & 37 for parking to serve as ~uired parking for lots immediately adj to tne west where parking is perm only as an accessory use and to provide less than required lant- scaping strip on Ranier Ave and Riverdale St., at 6410 Riverdale St betw Ranier Ave and Friars Road. Zone M-lA. Cond 'l. C-11290 6-26-72