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Development Services

Grantville & Outlots Block 13

GRANTVILLE & OUTLOTS BLOCK 13.tif G~ANTVILLE and Outlots Lots 13-20- Permit to Franchise Realty Interstate Corporation to erect two 36 sq. ft. pro- jecting wall s:'.}".s; (I) one located on Mission Gorge Road wall (36 sq. ft.); (2) both signs to project 4' at farthest point from Mansard roof at 6326 Mission Gorge Road. Zone C-1. C-14260-B. 5-10-77, Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9- Permit to Adnan A. & Nazeah Aladray to const a 50 1xl40' bldg on Lits 8 & 9 obs O' side yds and 01 front yd; also to provide no off-street parking on-site but to provide 19 parking spaces on adjacent Lots 6 & 7, On Ranier Avenue. M-1B Zone. Conditions. C-14383. 7-29-77. (On Ranier Ave. btwn Mission Gorge & Riverdale). AMEND- Conditions 2/27/84. N. 15' of Lot 40- Permit to Don Pedigo at 6321 Riverdale St., Zone M-IA,DENIED to constr 2-story off bldg (I) obs O' frt yd on Riverdale St. and O' int side yd (2) eliminate reqd 10' landscape strip (3) eliminate all pkg. C-15957 5/16/79--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- 12, ZA considered request of ALFRED & ANNETTE ZAMMIT, VANCE & DORIS BROWN, GORDON & SUE ENYEART to constr. office bldg: l) observing 10' front yard & O' interior side yd where 25' & 5' is reqd; 2) eliminate 10' landscape strip abutting right-of-way; 3) erect approx. 90' of wall 6 1 hi observing at the closest point a 0' front yd where max. 3' hi fence or wal 1 is permitted in the 25' front yd; & 4) provide 28% of the lot in parking where of lot area must be set aside for parking (balance of parking to be provided on Lot 12 to the east) at the 4400 block of Rainer Ave., Between Riverdale & Mission Gorge, Zone M-lA, cond. C-18619 9/9/84