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Development Services

Grantville & Outlots Block 49 Card 1

GRANTVILLE & OUTLOTS BLOCK 49 CARD 1.tif GRANTVILIEcl~ BLOCK 49 00:)lpq $ ~-/7~q Card 1/1 Por Lot 4- Permit DiNIED to Kenneth F. Hunt to const 4-u.nit apt, making 5 units on prop., at 6155 Mission Gorge H.d., iones C & n-2. Case til956 8/1/)8 1?:t/+-Y- Permit D3l~IBD to Griffith T. Clark to canst_,;. oper a veterinary clinic according to plans submitted to the Planning De!,t. on the E side of Mission Gorge 1toad betw V11ndever Ave. & Twain Ave. in the C. ~cne. (SEE b.C:LO~.) CUP 7293 9/13/65 Por of Lot 1 &f'lot 4, Bloci-.. 49- Griffith T. Clark to const and o; erate a veterinary clinic on pro:c.erty located on the east side of l'.ission Gorge H.oad Letw Twain Ave. in the C Zone as r,er plans on file in the?lanning Dept APPROVED by eity Cou.ncil.---..___...___________------__ CUP__ 7.....c29~3___ 1..... o/'""'7J../--'65'----_______ Lot C- AGREEV;&\T 1/1213 to Jack & Esther rt.osebaum- bar sink, 6110 Crawford 12/5/62..--------------~-~--------------~------ ------ ------