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Development Services

Grantville Sub Block 14

GRANTVILLE SUB BLOCK 14.tif GRANTVILIE SUB. O()OC-IJq BLCCK 14 $ ~8-l7ef/ /0 E 80 1 of I, 14.0 1- Perrni t to A. L. Hohnson, owner & D. L. Hunt, partner, to co Est addn to exist mfg~ wholesale & retail ous, for packaging & office area, 6038 ~ussion Gorge Rd., C, cond'l. Case ii471 5/21/56 E 5' Lot 17, all 18, 19 & 20 & S 10 1 of Glacier Ave. clsd- Permit to 1'1rs. Anna L, Johnson to const sales rm 6.. storage adun to exist boat n.fg bldg, at 6230:i'iission Gcrge Rd,, C lone. Case /fl567 12/20/57 Lots 1,2,3,&4- TABLED case needs RPOZ PERMIT and ZA cannot hear it, 4411 Glacier Ave. C-19892 2/26/88