Graves Tract Card 1
GRAVES TRACT CARD 1.tif GRAVES TRACT ()()3777 ~ CARD #1 Lot 1- Permit to Frame-Graves Ind. Corp. to const mfg. plc.nt observing 13' side yd. (20 1 req) Clairemont Hesa Blvd. & Raytheon Rd., N-lA. Case #1766 4/4/58 Lot I- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MOSTAFA ZARRINNAM/BANKRUPTCY COURT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA owner; PUBLIC STORAGE, INC,, Jessee, to construct and operate a 655 unit mini-warehouse complex with security manager's quarters on a parcel with exis.::::ting industrial buildings where security manager's quarters are permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, located at 7961 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, Zone M-lA. Conditions. CUP 18422 5-18-84