Green & Martin Subd
GREEN & MARTIN SUBD.tif GREEN & MARTIN SUBDIVISION O(i37CIC\ Lot 1- Permit to James & Katharine Mar tin to erect approx 90' of solid retaining wall ranging ia height frem 5' to 6' with 3' high railing on top encroaching 5' into required 5' setback where a 3' high fence is permitted at 3210 Poe St. NW Cor Poe St. & Evergreen St. Zone R-1-5., condl. Case No. 7367 9/8/65-Lot 2-Permit to Jack c-:--f.:-ee-to-co";struct 438-sq-.ft add. to S.F.dwe-flin9, observebr--- street s.y. where lO'reqd.also 15' x 8 1 2nd story deck with 16' rear yd where 20'reqd. Map.3-799 at 1909 Willow lane Zone R-1-5 Lot 2- Permit to Dr. Jack C. Free to (1) main a I' high rock wall, overal 1 height 7'; (2) to st sd yd; (3) addn to res in 57% lot coverage. 4-25-78. Case No. 13976 12-2-76 60' of 6 1 high solid wood fence on top of main a 10' x 51 '9" patio cover obs a O' 1909 Willow Ln. R-l-5 Zone. C-15050 NH. Lot 2- ZA APPROVED request of MARTIN R. ZIMMERMAN & JACK K. ZIMMERMAN to construct a 103 sq. ft. addition to an existing single-family dwelling to observe an 8' street side yard where 10' is reqd at the east side of Willow Lane in the Peninsula Community Plan, R-2000 zone with conds. C-19710 9/3/87