Gregory Heights
GREGORY HEIGHTS.tif GREGORY HEIGHTS Lot 2, Permit to Ben &: Frieda Kaplan to c onst bathrm addn toe xist sing f'am-j-rea;--addn to obs 17-t' rear yd t"or por ~ addn(20' reqJ at 4124 H11rst; betw__ TareDj:;O Ile: San.ta Barbara Sts.. a'.'"l.,.oond: adJip match exist dwell in.d.eaign--&------ bldg materials. N.H. case 4090 5-9-61-- ~o~ 3- to-&roid-& ~i~ woo""d""to-er;ct i2o1" ~t: ~5' high grape- stake fence-: ferice_---- to obs. 0' steback on HillsSt. where 20 1 is estab. At 1002 Santa Barllara St. betwn. Hill---- st. and Cataline Blvd., Zone R-1-5;. (N.H.) C-11879 3-28-73 Lot I- Permit to 'flerry & Leona Smith to const bedrm & rumpus rm with bar. sink addn, 4142 Hills St. AGREE # 1110 10-17-60-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------