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Development Services

Gulls Acres Card 1

GULLS ACRES CARD 1.tif....._..,,,..,,...~,4-_-,. 9'fLLS ACRES qq... CARD #1 Lots 1 and 8- Permit was considered by ZA to SPORTS ARENA BOULEVARD PARTNERSHIP to construct a 3-story, 136-unit motel, a I-story building containing manager's unit, incidental offices and meeting room, and a I-story restaurant: (1) to provide parking for meeting room at a ratio of one space for each 80 sq. ft. of gross floor area where one space for each 21 sq. ft. of gross floor area is required for a total of 186 parking spaces where 256 are required; and (2) to erect two, 150 sq. ft. T 30 1 high ground signs fronting on Sports Arena Boulevard and two ground signs fronting on Midway Drive, one 99.2 sq. ft., 15'-4" high, and one 66 sq. ft., 14 1 high, where a maximum area of 75 sq. ft. is permitted for each sign, at 3711 Sports Arena Boulevard, Zone C-1. C-17604 4-23-82 DECISION: (I) DENIED; (2) DENIED as requested, but APPROVED: {a) one 120 sq. ft. double- faced ground sign, 30 1 high maximum, advertising Sports Arena Travelodge on Sports Arena Boulevard, and one 150 sq, ft. ground sign, 30' high maximum, advertising the Village Inn Restaurant and Jack of Clubs Lounge on Sports Arena Boulevard; {b) one 14' high, 66 sq. ft. ground sign, advertising Sports Arena Travelodge on Midway Drive, and one 15 1-411 high, 99 sq. ft, ground sign, advertising Village Inn and Jack of Clubs Lounge on Midway Drive. Conditions. 0-~-\.- 0...,p (Af..e.- ~~.t,,S)> ()> ~ ~\J ~ \.);;;__&~ I.:> ~- eio.r1--. 2..J-J~) BZA- APPEAL WAS DENIED. DECISION OF THE ZA was UPHELD, SUSTA1NED AND AFFIRMED, 6-8-82,