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Development Services

Halecrest Heights Unit#1 Card 1

HALECREST HEIGHTS UNIT#1 CARD 1.tif \t Card.#1 (I Lots 237-241- Permit to Pacific Bay Land Co. to (1) maint model homes & sales aids on Lot 237-240; (2) convert gar on Lot 240 to sales ~ff; (3) utilize Lot 241 as off-street parking area; (4) enclose completely Lots 237-241 with 6 1 hi redwood fence extend along prop lines & across Araacost Rd. from Rly prop line of Lots 247 & 197 & Sly on prop lines on Armacost Rd. to Sly prop line of Lots 237 & 203; (5) erect&: maint; (a) 1 dble-faced post-mounted, 10' x 16 1 m sign on Lot 240; (b) 2' x 3' model m signs & 3 flags per lot on Lots 237-240; (c) l dble-faced 3' x 5' parking lot sign for 2 yr period, all within 200' of occupied dwellings on the SW cor of Armacost Rd. & Woodrow Ave., Zonr R-1-5, condl (C-9011 N.B. 11-26-68 ANDDED 12-4-68--'--{.,,Q,,_.9(,, ~7 1_ 1-~'t- 70.AMENDED 12-30-68 ~#- LS //-.:i. (.,- n_ (11. Jo.71) Ext_ of_ Time_ to Exp_ 11-26-10_ (11-7-69)______ {ta.-5-:l'Ji-77Azf!,d_)_______________________ Lot 196- Permit to Pacific Bay Land Co, to maint 45 1 of concrete blk retain wall 4' hi obs O' SB on Woodrow Ave. where 10' is estab on the SW cor of Marjorie Dr. &: Woodrow Ave., Zone R-1-5. C-9709 R.H. 1-30-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 259- Permit to Paul C. & Dorotby Nordberg to erect approx 83' of 5' hi wood fence on street side prop line & within 10' estab SB on Viewcrest Dr. where max 3' high wall or fence is perm at them: cor Woodrow Ave. & View crest Dr. Zone R-1-5. C-9584 N.H. 10-29-69