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Development Services

Halecrest Heights Unit#1 Card 2

HALECREST HEIGHTS UNIT#1 CARD 2.tif HALECREST HEIGHTS #1 CARD f2.,, Lot 51- Permit to Alberto F, & Nicolasa Ramirez & William G. & Reynalda Ellis to erect 117' of solid wood fence, 5' high obs O' SB on Deville Dr where max 3' high fence is perm within 10' estab SB at 1294 ARmacost Rd betw Deville Dr and Woodrow Ave. Zone R-1-5, C-10131 N.H. 9-23-70 Lots 1-22- Permit DENIED to Pacific Bay Development Corp to constr and operate a planned res dev located on the east side or Imperial Ave betw Lisbon St. and the San Diego City Limits also Lot 12, Rancho Mission and Por Lot B, Blocks 1-6, Angelus Heights. Zone R-1-5, PRD-/f,26 8-13-71 Lot 175- Permit to Penny Tate to erect 107' or concrete block wall, 5' high, observing a 0' SB where a max 3' high wall is perm in a 12' estab SB, at 870 Marjorie Dr betw Viewcrest Dr and Marmil Road. Zone R-1-4. c-12118 N.H. 7-24-73 Lot 46- Permit to Edgar & Shirley Lewis to constr 2nd floor bedroom, bath and den addn with bar sink to exist sin fam dwell at 1226 AI"lllacost Dr. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #2008 10-16-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 45- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Philip & Gwen Singleton to erect 12 1 of 51 retaining wall to observe a Oft. front yard where a maximum 3 1 wall is permitted in an established 12 1 front yard, at 1214 Armacost Road, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. GASE NO. 1641 5 NH l 0- 11 79----------------------