Hannah-Gillard Miramar Rd. P.I.D Map10386
HANNAH-GILLARD MIRAMAR RD. P.I.D MAP10386.tif HANNAH-GILLARD MIRAMAR ROAD P.I.D. MAP NO. 10386- 5' G Lot 8-- CaIDITIONAL USE PERMIT requested by HANNAH-GILLARD MIRAMAR ROAD was APPROVED WITH CXJNDITIONS by ZA to use an existing 10,211 sq.ft. industrial building to provide a gymnastic training program for childen fran the ages of 2 to 18 years; an aerobics exercise program for adults where such use is permitted by CUP only. C-19417 February 9, 1987 Lot 8- ZA Approved- Conditional Use Permit requested by Hannah-Gillard Company, Owner; Gymnastic Center of San Diego to use an existing 10,211 sq. ft. industrial building to provide (1) a gymnastics training program for children ages 2~ to 18 years, and (2) an aerobics exercise program for adults where such use is permitted Map No. 10386, located at 7698 Miramar Road, Zone M-1B; with conditions. C-19417 12/15/86