Happy Valley Little Farms
HAPPY VALLEY LITTLE FARMS.tif BAPPI VALXfI Lim& FAIi.... ~,~.. $ lo Lot 9- 1'9:nlit to c. L. Hudaon to divide 'fnto J parcels; the E 8' to be part of Lot 10; W 92' of E 100; and the W17 85 ; to permit a single f'am. res. on each, 7128 J amacha Rd. Res. #1506 4/25/46) ' Lot 3- Permit to Perry- o. Gut:Jaei-e to manufacture Rope., notm> re than 2 hours dailJr., at n.36 IJ.sbon St., proYided no add' l signs are placed on prm.ees and shed is painted.. Res. #1989 1/16/47 Lot 10- Charlie L. and Mabel H. Hudson DENIED PERMIT TO DIVIDE LOT 10 into 2 parcels- and pel'llit single f'am.. res. on each, 7136 Jauch& Rd. Res. 13143 5/19/48 Tent. Lots 3 It 4, Resub of Lot 5,- Permit to Chas. Fisher, Olffler & First Baptist Church of Encanto.,);Cl", to const. church on Jamacha Bd., R-1, cond. 11 Case #8;4 ll/19/56 Lot?- Ivan D. &: Elsie M. Slocm to const a sing fa dwelling and maintain an existing 0 ld.t.chen in cot.t.age until proposed dwelling is completed. AGREEME.N'l' 3832 2/7/'!,5;