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Development Services

Harbor View Heights #2 Card 1

HARBOR VIEW HEIGHTS #2 CARD 1.tif HARBOR VIEW HEIGHTS #2?l\')_, >, "5> "3;- CARD 7/7-- / /Lots 44, 56, 57, 58 & 6J- Permit to Harbor View Association to erect retaining wall in SB area;,_walls ranging in height from 3 1 to 6 1-811 where maximum j I high fence is perm in esta.b 15' SB,-- Lot 44.- Raffee Drive-- others- Wheat St., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 6674 11-23-64-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1- Permit to Harbor View Association to const sing fam res obs 101 SB on Ava.ti Dr. where 15 1 SB is estab & where no structures are penn in SB, on Ava.ti Drive Nly end of St., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 6673 11-23-64 Lots 11 thru 15- Pennit to Harbor View Association to const sing fam res on ea lot obs 10 1 SB on Ava.ti Drive where 15 1 SB is estab & where no structures in SB is perm, at Ava.ti Dr., Nly of Wheat St., Zore R-1-5. Case No. 6672 11-23-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 37, 38 & 39 (& Lots 35 & 36 Atari Court)- PerL'lit t., Harbor 'view Assoc. to complete const of sing fam res on ea lot & use same for model hon;es with 2 1 x j I unlighted model ident. ground sign; all to be located closer than 2.00 1 from occupied dwellint:s not in the same subd. & all to oe,,,aintained for a period not to exceed one yr. (See i.greenents A-1328, on each lot), where model homes, sales office & real estate signs located no closer than 2CC from occupied dwelling not in same su'od, at JJ06,_J.> 6 & J.> 66 Yucca Ave., W]y of intersec- tion of Tacoma St, & Caflur,we.,.ii-l-5 Zone, condl. 1 yr ext, to exp j/1/67 (12/29/65) Case No. 6864 12-7-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGREEMENT /1350- Lots 23,24,27,28,4o,43,45,50,54,55,56,57- bar sink 11/19/64------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------AGREEMENT #1328- Lots 35,36,37,38,39- bar sink, Harborview Assoc 7/13/64