Harbor View Heights #5 Card 1
HARBOR VIEW HEIGHTS #5 CARD 1.tif ORBORTIBW DIQJl'l'S UII'l' NO.- 5 > Lot 282- Permit to Harborview Aaaociatea to erect approx 85' of solid blk retain wall varying in ht from 3' to 6', obaerv O' setback where 3' hi fe1h is perm in estab 15' setback on Hunricha Way, in the 3000 blk Runrichs Way at the NW corner------------~!.!~:!~!!~:!~~-!l!~!~~~-~~~~!t_;~!.!:!:~!__ {!!!!lq!!!.~!~-----~=!~:7______, Lot 303- Perm.it to Rarborview Asaociatea to erect approx 60 1 of solid blk retain wall varying in ht f'ram 3' to 7', observ O' setback where a 3' hi wal.l is pel'lll in eat&b 15' setback on Nute Way, in 3000 'Dlk on Nute Way betv:luerfano Ave &,,,___________ Q200,r_Q~&-~2nt_5:!:2&..----------------------Ll&l&l.c,,,_~!i!______ :!:1______ Lota 304, 305 & 306- Permit to Rarborview Associates to erect approx 160 1 of' solid blk retain wall varying in ht from 3' to 6 16", observ 0' aetl> ack where a 3' hi wall i perm in eatalt 15' setback on li&rtman Way, in the 3000 blk of' Hartman Way betw------------1!t!!U2.~Y!-i_Q900!t.Q~&-~29!-5:!:2&---------(1&1&l.QH!-~!2Q______ :!2:1______ Lot 324- Perm.it to R&rborview Associates to erect approx 90' of solid blk retain wall varying in ht from 3' to 4' observ O' setback where a 3' hi wall is perm in estab 15' setback on Conner Way, in 3000 blk of Conner way at the D corn of'____________!:!_!~:!:!!~:!~~-!2~~!~.2~~:!_;~~!-~:!:~!___ {!!~!}_2~!!-~!~~-----:!:7______ Lot 338- Permit to H&rborview A&111ociates to erect approx 180' of' solid blk retain wall varying in ht from 3' to 5' observ O' setback where a max 3' hi wall is perm in estab 15' setback on conner Way, in 3000 blk of' Conner Way betw Conner ct & Huerfano Ave Zone R-1-5. ('R.H.) Cue 1'0. 8189 6-16-67 ------------------~------L------------------------------------------------------------1.ot 284- Permit to Marvil L. & Roberta Burdg to const 10 1 x 32' sunshade structure to exist sing fam res obs all yd req but resulting in approx 45% cover where W is perm, at.3053 ~,;:., Stockett Way betw Slayen Way & Huerfano Ave., Zone R-1-5, Cond 11. Case No. 8410 ll-15-67