Harborview Heights #3 Card 2
HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #3 CARD 2.tif HARBORm.W HEIGHTS UNIT NO. 3_ lf \ 1t~ ",f O- CAllDJa J Lot 126- Permit to Harborview Associates to erect approx 501 of solid block wall var;ying in ht from 3 1 to 31611 obs 10' SB (as amended) where a.3' high solid wall is perm in est&b 15 1 SB on laffee Dr., at.3286 Eichenlaub St., the NE cor of its intersection with Raf'fee Dr., Zone R-l-5. ~-----------------------L-~~~~~-~-H- ~l_-_3_-6_7___ J Lot 152- Permit to Harborview Associates to erect approx.35' of solid block wall varying in ht from 3 1 to 5' obs 0 1 SB on Eichenlaub St. where a.3 1 high wall is perm, at 4062 Avati Dr. at NW cor of Avati Dr. & Eichenlaub st., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8447 N.H. 11-3-67------ I--------------------------------------- Lot 152- Permit to Harborview Associates to const a sing ram res obs 111 SB, as amended, on Eichenlaub St. where 15 1 is est&b, at 4062 Avati Dr., the NII cor of its intersection with Eichenlaub St., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8448 N.H. 11-3-67 / Lot 118-: Permit to Harb;;-rrlew Asso~~e: ~ 0 erect approx 601 of solid block.U, 15' vary- ing from.3' to 3 1611 obs 0 1 SB in estab 15 1 SB where a 31 high wall is perm, at.3212 Eichen- laub St. betw Avati Dr. & Raffee Dr., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8449 N.H. 11-3-67----------____.,____--------- j Lot 96 {Parcel A of D.P. l/2fJ9)- Permit to Harborview Associates \to erect approx 94' of solid wall varying in height from.3' to 5 1 obs fro.m 0 1 to 15' SB where a.3 1 high fence is perm in est&b 15 1 SB, at 4027 Cadden Way, betw Eichenlaub St. and end of st., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8450 N.H. 11-3-67