Harborview Heights #5 Card 1
HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #5 CARD 1.tif--:-,,~ '.HAI.OORVIEW HEIGHTS #5 e Lot 308- Permit to James & Thelma Hobson to constr a residential patio addn to exist sin fem dwell, addn observing all yds but resulting in approx 4~ (as amended) coverage where 5~ is perm at 3063 Nute Way betw Conner Ct. & Huerfano Ave. R-1-5 Zone C-9279 N.H. 5-6-69--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 289- 'l!he Z.A. has considered the request of Robert I.S. and Doris Kim to constr 14 1 x 47 1 patio addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 49i coverage where 40% is perm. at 3023 Stockett Way betwn Slayen Way and Fuerfano Ave, Zone R-1-5 has DENIED the request as submitted, but APPROVED approx 48~ lot coverage C-ll,871 4-19-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 329- Permit to Walter & Janice Earl.ey for perm to construct a 54' x 10' deck addn to existing sin f'am dwell; existing structure covers 45.~ and addn will result in 48.51, coverage where 4oi is perm, at 3033 Bartman Way betwn Conner Ct. and Huerfano Ave, Zone R-1-5- Cond1 l.. 11-19-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 316- The Z.A. considered the request of' James & Linda Cox to collStr a 840 sq. ft. deck addn to exist sin fam dwell; por of' deck to be over 3' hi with a 3'-6" railing on top and obs a l3'SB from Hartman Way were a 15' SB is estab. and resulting in approx 47'1, lot cov were a max of 40,, is perm, at 3015 Nute Way. Zone R-l-5 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED deck addn to be no higher than 4 1 above ground level at the outer edge of the deck, obs the req 15' SB from Hartman Wayand resulting in approx 47'1, lot cov. Cond'L______ C,"13090 5-23-72_