Harborview Heights #6 Card 1
HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #6 CARD 1.tif DDORTI:fi Jl'fB; IIO.- 6 ~~ 1, ~_... y Card Bo. l e Lota 356 & 357- Pel"llit to Barborrtev Aasoc. to erect 6 hi retain wall v/3' hi open tence on top on Lota 356 & 357, wall to observe 0' setback on Peter Way where aax 3' b..1 retain vall v/3' hi open fence on top ia perm in the eatab 15' aetllackJ at 3087 and 3095 conner Way, SW corner of its intersection v/Buerfmo Ave, Zone R-1-5,________________________________________________ q!!!-~:-~~2f__ t~~'.!~l_______ 2:~:~1________ Lot 389- Perait to Iar'oorv1ev AHoc. to erect 6 hi retain wall obaerv 0' setback on:luert'ano Ave where-.x 3' hi retain wall 1 perm in eatab 10' setback; at 3091 Karnes Way at JIW corner of its intersection v/B.uerfano ATe, Zone R-1-5, cue lfo. 8360 (If.I.) 9-28-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 390- Pel'llit to 11arborv1ev Assoc. to erect retain wall ranging in ht from 3' to 8 1, wall to obaerTe 0' setback on Peters Way & Karnes Way vhere max 3' hi retain wall is pe:na in eat.ab 10' setback on Peters Way & eatab 15' setback on Kame Way; at \/-----~~-!!!!!!-~!l-!!-~l-!~~-2!_!!t-~-~:!:2:______ q!!!.!!:-~}!______ 2:~:~1-i!:!:l. Lota i.02 & i. <> 3- Permit to larborview Assoc. to erect retain wall ranging in ht froa l' to 7', wall to obserYe 0' setback on luerfano Ave & Karnes Way where ~ 3' hi fence ia pera in eatu 10' aetl> ack on Iuerfano Ave & eatall 15' setltack on Karnes Way; at 3095 Peters Way, at SW corner of intersection w/'luerfuo Ave, zone R-1-5,_______________________________________________ i!:!:l___ ~!!!.!!:.~!______ ~:~:~7________ Lot 37?- Pel'llit to Karborviev Aasoc. to erect retain wall l'&Zl&iD& 1n ht frca l' to 5t', wall to ae in front of eatab setl> ack on Karnes Way vb.ere ax 3' hi f'ence ia pera; at 3031 Karnes Way, Wl.;y of luert'ano Ave, Zone R-1-5, (W.I.) Cue lfo. 8363 9-28-67---------~-------------------------------------------------------------~------------------