Harborview Heights #6 Card 2
HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #6 CARD 2.tif DRBORVI:IW l.'l'S. IIO. 6 Card 1'0. 2-Lot 38o- Pera! t to llarborview A.Hoc to erect retain wall ranging in ht from l' to 5t', wall to lie in front of eatab setback on Karnes Way where.x 3' hi retain wall 1 perm; at 3135 Kame Way, Wly of luerfano Ave, Zone R-1-5, Case l(o, 8364 (.1.) 9-28-67 Lot 393- Permit to David and Pauline Oakley to const. a 58 ft. x 9 ft. detached deck addn to existing sin fam dwell; deck to olls a l2 ft. SB on Karnes Way where 15 ft, is estab., at 3031 Peters Way betwn Karnes Way and Huerfano Ave, Zone R-l-5- Cond'l.j C-12,329 N.H. 11-23-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 391- Permit to Thomas A. & Shirley Heiting to constr 9' x 33' patio roof addn to exist sin fam dwell covering 4~ of the lot where 4C!I, is perm, at 3019 Peters Way betw Huerfano Ave and Karnes Way and Conner Way, Zone R-1-5, C-12461 N.H. 2-19-74-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 1 Lot 4o3- Permit to Dr. James & Elizabeth Munce to cons tr a 2' x 29'-6" x 4' high deck V addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 13' SB where 15' is estab on Karnes Way at 3095 Peters Way, SW cor of Peters Way and Huerfano Ave. Zone R-1-5, C-13214 N.H. 7-7-75----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------