Harbour Heights #1 Card 1
HARBOUR HEIGHTS #1 CARD 1.tif. /,," ...,,.-., ,-;,,... "".... HARBOUR HEIGK'rS fl Lot 56- Z.A. considered application of Daniel & Jacqueline Kleiman to erect a 6' hi solid wood fence enclosing swimming pool which obs SB on Soledad Mt. Rd.; fence to encro 3' into 10' estab SB on Soledad Mt. Rd, where a 3' hi fence or wall only is perm at 2202 Soledad '.IDII Rancho Rd,, BE cor ot Soledad Mtn Rd., Zone R-1-8 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED a 518" fence obs 7' SB & matching nt of existing wall projecting Wly from house, condl c-9265 /'J 1'1- 4-23-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 35- Permit DENIED to Don C, & Linda Burdick to erect approx 65 1 of redwood & cedar paneled fence, 5' high, approx 5' inside property liae along Soledad Mt. Rd. where max 3' ni fence is perm within 10' estab SB at 5298 Edgeworth Rd, at the SW cor of its intersection witn Soledad Mt. Rd., R-1-8 Zone, C-9278 N.H. 5-9-69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 57- Permit to Melvin H. & Ernie Lou Gorham to maint addn to existing sin faro res obs a S' yd where 20' is req; addn obs a SB varying from 3' to 10' on Solidad Rancho Rd., where a 10' SB is estab & to maint approx 60' hi solid fence obs from 0' to 10' SB on Soledad Rancho Rd., where a 3' hi fence is permitted at 5245 Solidad Mt. Rd., northeast cor Soledad Mt. Rd., Zone R-1-8- Cond'l. C-9645 1-7-70