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Hartley's Muirlands Estate

HARTLEY'S MUIRLANDS ESTATE.tif HARTLEY 18 MUIRLANDS ESTATE-Por. Lot 1, Parcel B, DP26- Permit to Joseph D. and Barbara W. Costello to constr. tennis court with fence. At Calle Majorca between Hartley Dr. and Buckingham. Zone R-1-20 AGREEjll.8~ 4-4-73 Lot 1- Par. B,DP 26- The z.A. has considered the req of Joseph D. and Barbara w. Costello (1) to const a tennis court on vacant lot where necessary uses are only perm on s8Jlle lot with perm use; and (2) to erect approx 280 ft. of chain link fence 12 ft. in height, and approx 65 ft., or 18~ of said fence to be on top of a retaining wall ranging from 0 1 to 5 ft. in height; wall and fence to enclose tennis crt obs at closest point a 7 ft. setback on Calle Majorca; fence alone to obs a 6 ft. interior side yrd and a 15 ft. rear yard where a max 3 ft. high fence is perm in a 25 ft. estab setback and a max 6 ft. high fence is perm in a req 8 ft. interior side yrd and 25 ft. rear yard Calle Majorca Hartley Dr. and Buckingham, Zone R-1-20 and has L APPROVED: 2. DENIED as req, but APPROVED 15 ft. setback at closest point on Calle Majorca; and APPROVED 15 ft. rear yard. Cond 11 C-11,800 3-14-73 Board of APPEAl.'3 resolved that the appeal be DENIED, and the decision of the Z.A. be ~~~~~rl:~~},J____________:::::~~-----------:::::~~----------- Lot 1, CUP variance approved 1 & 8 with conditions, but denied 2-6 by ZA, DR. DAVID B. & VIRGINIA MEYER requested to remodel and expand pool cabana to guest quarters at 6322 Hartley Drive, Rl-20,000 Zone C-21288 6-16-95--------------------------------------------------------------------------