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Development Services

Hartley's North Park Block 5 Card 1

HARTLEY'S NORTH PARK BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif r, HARTLEY'S NORTH PARK BLOCK 5. Lots 7 & 8- Permit to John E. & Jeanne M. Daniels to remodel exist sing fam res with en-closed porch on Nl.y side obs 21-6" side yard; and remove detached gar and construct sing ram res obs all yard req making a total of two dwellings on par, where 3 1 side yard is req, at 3765 Herman Ave., betw Wightman & Landis Sts., R-4 Zone, condl. Case No. 6452 4-28-64 Lots land 2- Permit, condl. to ida Little & Ruby Stone, o'WD8rs, and Frank A. Frenken, p1rrcbaser, to sue an e.xi.ating JO'x 30' non-conforming bldg. for stg. of li&ht tl'llc:k and 75 sq. ft. of stg. space in connect.ion with the operat.ion of cigarette vending machine business, SB corner of Herman and Wightman Sta. Res. /12792 1/14/48 Lots 1 & 2- Blk 5- Permit DUUED to Frank Franken to conat 10-unit 8J)t bldg. with 181 SB where:if' is req, at 3793 Herman St., R-4.