Hatch Mathews Tract #1 Card 2
HATCH MATHEWS TRACT #1 CARD 2.tif HATCH MATTHEWS TRACT NO. l) '( CARD #2 Lot J- Permit tow. F. Wolf Co., owner & Mr. & Mrs. John E. McKee, lessee, to erect approx 700 sq. ft. snack bar encroaching 40 1 into req 66 1 SB & two free-standing, double-faced, v interior lighted signs- one 25 1 high encroaching 64' into req 64' SB & one 25 1 hii):l encroait ing 62 1 into req 71 1 SB, all adj to Kearny Mesa Rd., at the SW cor of Balboa Ave. & Kea.rn,- Mesa Road, Zone M-lA, condl.,,.,, 1-1 1,.-~,,;., ~ 11,,Case N~,, 7654.,_ 'j/6/66./,/.,~L'l~-.L!-~~~-t.. ~~-""...-~~../l~M..-~.zl-':L;;'J,_fa._____ Lot 3 (Parcel A- DP rrl09)- he Asst. Z.A. has considered the app of W. F. Wolf Enterprises /Owner, John McKee, lessee, & Pardee Homes, sub-lessee to erect one double-faced 6 1 x 12' V post-mounted directional sign obs 01 jB on Kearny Mesa Rd. where a SB varying from 25' to 75' is estab, at 8161 Balbea Ave., lone M-lA, and has D.El-IED the requested 6 1 x 12' post- mounted sign, but APPROVED a 4' x 81 sign mounted on skids (not post-mounted), Cond'l. (ZZ!.:~~-~-=~~5-:!~2--------------------~~~~-:~:-~~=~-~-:857 l==~==~~-------- Lot 1- 1.GREEMD'l' #1002 to Frank Szalay, les & Kearney Invest co.(Wm. Hillyer, Jr) to maintain 2 adv structures obs 2' SB, 1 on Armour & 1 on Kearney Mesa Rd. 10/1/58