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Development Services

Hatch Mathews Tract #1 Card 3

HATCH MATHEWS TRACT #1 CARD 3.tif.,-.,.-~--:;- HATCH MATHEWS TRACT,::,-I Por;j.I.ot,3:(Par. A, D.P. 109)- Permit to W. F. Wolf Enterprises, owner & Ame;cican Housing Guild, lessee to maintain for a period of one yr, one exist 4 1 x 8 1 double-faced, unlighted ground sign with one double-faced 1 1 x 81 arrow above resulting in sign with overall height,approx 10 1 above ground, sign located within SB area on Kearny Mesa Rd. estab by ROS 5698; sign driects public to Truirnph Homes approx one mile NW'ly where signs not directly related to use of the prop on mich located are prohibited, and no structures, including signs are perm in estab SB, at 8161 Balboa Ave., Zone M-lA, to expire 12-1-68.-.!,,4._.!/..p ~--1::.:.:.~ ".t.~.i.~.1.. z.:.:, r.l___,~-J.:1~{~~}J~:-----------~~=~7-6~------- Por Lot 3- Permit to Roque de la Fuente to const a new commercial building on the same lot with an exs bldg to obs a 0 1 street side yard on Balboa Avenue and to eliminate approx 318' of req 10 1 landscaping strip on Balboa Avenue. SE corner of Mercury Street and Balboa Avenue. M-IA Zone. Conditions. C-14896. 1-31-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel 1, Parcel Map 3015, Portion Lot 3- Permit DENIED as submitted b.ut Ai> PROVEO by 2A, to Roque De La Fuente, to observe 25 1 setback from Mercury Street and 0 1 side yard where 25' is required, at Southeast corner of Mercury Street & Balboa Avenue, Zone M-IA. Conditions._______ CASE NQ_._1_6333_____ 10-12-79 Lots 1 & 2 Board of Zoning Appeals sustains & affirms the decision of the Zoning Administrator, to DENY the request of balboa village associates for the property located at 4411 Mercury St., Zone M-lA. (SEE CARD #4)