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Development Services

Hazard Commercial Park

HAZARD COMMERCIAL PARK.tif HAZARD COMMERCIAL PARK. C68503-S oltQl1o\4 Lot 22- Permit to San Marcos Development Company to const a t11>-story office building obs at the closest point a 15' interior side yard on the east side with wing walls obs an II' interior side yard. Located 180' west of the northwest corner of Chesapeake Drive and Ruff in Road. M-IA Zone. C-15193 NH. 5-30-78,,l,,~ g-/:s'-7J' Lot 17- Permit to Solon & Lila Jaffe at 5560 RuffJn Rd., Zone H-1-A, DENIED to ere-ct approx 34.5 sq. ft. double-faced lllum directory sign 6 1 4-1/2" high to obs O' front yard where 25' Is req and 0' street side yard on Hazard Way. C-16148 8/14/79 Lot 37- Pemit considered by A2A the amended request of FUTURA ENTERPRISES, LTD. to erect a 14.5' X 6 1 to 9' high monument ground sign observing a O' front yard where 25' is required. at 9445, 9455, 9465 Farnham Street, Zone M-1B. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED erection of a 10.5' X maximum 5' high monument ground sign observing a 10' front yard where 25' is required. CondHions. C-17197 4-24-81 Lot 28- ZA APPROVED pemt for FOUR POINTS PARI'NERS/R.E. HAZARD CUNTRACTING CO., CWNERS: ~"'ERAL IDIORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, LESSEE to install a roof-mounted satellite antenna to an existing, three-story, comuercial bldg. where such use re- quires a Satellite Antenna Pennit; located at 5675 Ruffin Rd., M-lA zone. Conditions.:blH. C-20478. 1-30-90