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Hazard Industrial Tract #1 Card 2

HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #1 CARD 2.tif HAZARD DiDUSTRIAL TRAgt JiO. 1 oo~l.13 $ ~38-~3- Card /12 Lot 7, U/25/58- Pel"lllit to Securit71st lat 1l Bk, et al, owners, & Dr. G. T. Clark, purch. to const. small animal hospital, N side or Armour St., w. ot HWJ".395, M-U, Cond 1l. Case 12134 6 Months ext, to expire ll/25/59 ~t l~- Permit to Clarence C. & Verna Clark to const.30 1 x 40 1 office bldg addn to front Ji~! exist pattern shop., addn to obs 21 side yd on wlJ' side where 10% width or lot is req (Max 251} Zone M-U, at 7932 Anaour st., conc1 11. c-5841 8/1/63 Lot 6- Permit to Lien Sanitation Co. to const approx 24' x 1.30' addn to exist industrial 1 bldg; addn to obs 0 1 sideyd on W prop line where 8 1 sideyd is req, at 8050 Armour St., W1T ot Kearney Mesa Rd., Zone M-U, condl. Case #692D-, 1/14/65