Hazard Industrial Tract #1 Card 3
HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #1 CARD 3.tif HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #1 Ot> 3lq~ s l3t-na Card #3, J Lot 8- Permit to Frank E. Curry to constr warenouse obs O' /~ wnere 5' side yard is req on Armour St., approx 800' Wly of---side yard on Ely side of lot Kearney Mesa Rd. Zone M-U. 1-14-65 + cond '1. C-6912 Lot 11 & W30' of 10- Permit to Granam Automotive,Inc to constr 34' x 48 1 repair gar addn to exist gar; addn to obs O' side yard wnere 8 1 is req at 7996 Armour St., betw Convoy St. and Kearny Mesa Rd. Zone M-lA. Cond'l. c-9191 4-4-69 Amended 6-13-69 Lot 7- Z.A. considered appl of Brad w. Broady, D.V.M. to maint exist sin-faced, unlighted free-standing sign, overall nt 7', face of sign 2' x 3', base of sign obs O' SB wnere a 10' estab SB is req and signs may not encroach into req 10' planting strip at 8040 Armour St., betw Convoy St and Kearny Mesa Rd., in the M-lA Zone and has DENIED as req but APPROVED one free-standing pole sign obs a 10' SB 'with the edge of tne sign projecting a max of 3' into tne estab SB & over the req 10' landscape strip. c-9369 7-17-69 W30' of Lot 10 and all of 11- Permit to Graham Automotive,Inc. to constr a 78 1 4 11 x 34' snop addn to exist non-conforming snop bldg (C-9191); addn to obs O' sideyd as exist bldg where 8 1 is req, at 7996 Armour St betw Convoy and Mercury Streest. Zone M-lA. Cond'l. c-11413 9-1-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------